Kings and Thrones

While listening to Apostle Joseph Ziba from Malawi this weekend, I found myself asking many questions.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Oct. 13, 2024
Love seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil
Love seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil
Apostle Paul covers the subject of love very well in 1 Corinthians: 13:1-8.
By Doug Mamvura Oct. 6, 2024
Understanding God's timing and seasons
The second delay occurred when the spies returned with a negative report, causing the children of Israel to be delayed another 40 years.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Oct. 6, 2024
The 10 best quotes from the Book of Proverbs
Translations of the original Hebrew text are from Sefaria. Some translations have been lightly edited. 
By Abby Seitz Sep. 29, 2024
Don’t be taken hostage by worry and anxiety
When Jesus mentions the “cares of this life,” the word “cares” is the Greek word merimna.
By Doug Mamvura Sep. 29, 2024
Becoming a lucid dreamer: Discovering the hidden language of dreams
You have the authority to influence the direction and outcomes of your dreams
By Humphrey Mtandwa Sep. 29, 2024
Busting myths surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
As we confront today’s challenges, it is vital to shatter the myths distorting the region’s history and to stand firm in defending the truth.
By Avi Benlolo Sep. 22, 2024
Awakening prophetic dreamers
Embrace this journey, nurture your desire for God’s voice, and be bold in stepping into the prophetic gift that has already been placed within you.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Sep. 15, 2024
Shut every door and close every window
Let’s look at the word “devil” for a moment.
By Doug Mamvura Sep. 15, 2024
Grace tidings: Are these signs following you?
According to Jesus, these supernatural signs are supposed to follow those who believe. Since you and I believe, that means these signs are supposed to follow you and me.
By Doug Mamvura Sep. 8, 2024
Divine insight: Prophets, prophecy and deception
Micah, another prophet, faced opposition from King Ahab because Ahab preferred prophets who spoke what he wanted to hear.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Sep. 8, 2024
Understanding and attracting God’s favour
There are numerous other examples in our scriptures where human righteousness attracts some kind of favour from the Lord.
By Prosper Tingini Sep. 8, 2024
Presidents and prophets: Resisting the king's table
It is possible to be a minister, to stand before kings, and not be corrupted by the king's table.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Sep. 1, 2024
Receiving a miracle from God
The word “multitude” is the word ochlus, which describes an innumerable multitude
By Doug Mamvura Sep. 1, 2024
The sea beast of Revelation 13
And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
By Prosper Tingini Sep. 1, 2024
Taking a stand against the wiles of the enemy: An eyeball to eyeball confrontation
Deception occurs when a person believes the lies that the enemy has been telling him.
By Dr Doug Mamvura Aug. 25, 2024
Understanding dreams: Divine revelation or personal aspiration?
Dreams have been a subject of fascination for centuries, often interpreted as windows into the future, reflections of our subconscious, or even divine messages.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Aug. 25, 2024
Rabbi arrested for circumcision in Ireland, denied kosher food
When he finally appeared before a judge, the charges against Rabbi Abraham were tinged with antisemitism prejudice.
By Yvette Alt Miller Aug. 25, 2024
The power of soul ties
This principle extends beyond marriage to friendships as well.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Aug. 18, 2024
Why Jews still cry over the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem
Tisha B'Av is a day for deep reflection on the causes of the Temples' destruction
By Rabbi Menachem Lehrfield Aug. 18, 2024
Understanding the relationship between grace and truth
Stephen prayed for people who were stoning him for God to forgive them because they didn’t know what they were doing. This is grace.
By Doug Mamvura Aug. 18, 2024
Oneness of man, woman and marriages
It is evident that the male and female of humanity came from one source, ie from the Lord God’s first creation of a man.
By Prosper Tingini Aug. 11, 2024
Mission accomplished – “It is finished”
The idea that Christ’s atoning work is ‘finished’ is scriptural in origin; it is indeed based on a word uttered by our Lord Himself before His death on the cross.
By Doug Mamvura Aug. 11, 2024
Why are there so many Jewish lawyers?
Justice has seemed, throughout the generations, to lie at the beating heart of Jewish faith
By Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Aug. 11, 2024
The great awakening
The challenge is that many people take the preaching of the Word of God for granted.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Aug. 11, 2024
Sunday Word: Sabbath: Of days and lands
The day of rest, the Sabbath, should not be confused with the day of worship
By Prosper Tingini Aug. 4, 2024
Generational blessings through ancestry
Similarly, there are blessings over your family due to a specific individual within your lineage.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Aug. 4, 2024
Sunday word: To the reader of the Bible
There are, for example, many little route-maps. The Bible is a great Travel Book, and where so many journeys are made a map is essential.
By Prosper Tingini Jul. 28, 2024