‘Kadoma serial killer’ sent to mental hospital

A MENTALLY-CHALLENGED Kadoma man, who committed a series of murders before turning the sword against his father and setting the family home ablaze in June 2021, has been sent to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit after the High Court adjudged himself mentally unstable.

A MENTALLY-CHALLENGED Kadoma man, who committed a series of murders before turning the sword against his father and setting the family home ablaze in June 2021, has been sent to Chikurubi Psychiatric Unit after the High Court adjudged himself mentally unstable.

Evan Chikoore was convicted after a full trial with his mother telling the court that he was mentally ill.

Justice Philda Muzofa, said it is the duty of the courts to protect people with mental challenges as they are always stigmatised.

“When they commit offences their woes multiply. Their lives become a sad tale that slowly pale into the dark soon to be forgotten,” said the judge as she delivered judgment.

The court heard that Chikoore was a well-known mental patient in the Kadoma community where he stayed with his family.

On July 9, 2021, he three people in separate incidents.

After committing the offence, he was arrested and the magistrate ordered that he be examined by two doctors in terms of section 26 of the Mental Health Act, and was found to be mentally challenged.

The court heard that Chikoore had not been well since 2004 as he would experience visual and auditory hallucinations.

His father took him for treatment at some church where a prophet assisted him. At this stage, he had stopped taking his prescribed medication.

The court heard his illness progressed and he became acutely psychotic.

According to the State, Chikoore resided in Luwana, Kadoma, with his wife.

On July 21, 2021, he visited his deceased father’s home in the same village where he demanded money to buy beer but his father indicated did not have cash on him.

In a fit of rage, he picked a stone and struck his father several times on the head before he set four thatched huts on fire.

Upon realising that his father was not yet dead, he took an axe and struck him several times.

He proceeded to the next homestead, where the now-deceased Tears Matara stayed.

On arrival, he asked where Matara’s husband was as he wanted his money from him.

He demanded money from Matara and was given $30.

He took that offer for an insult and struck her with the axe several times on the head and set ablaze a hut and a car parked at the homestead.

Chikore proceeded to the next homestead but the family fled, leaving behind a boy child.

Chikore axed the boy and killed him on the spot. Villagers then rushed to the scene and apprehended him as he approached the next homestead

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