Rowdy ZANU PF youths disrupt PVO bill hearing

ZANU PF youths disrupted the Private Voluntary Organizations Amendment bill in Gweru as they started singing inside and outside the venue.

ZANU PF youths disrupted the Private Voluntary Organizations Amendment bill in Gweru as they started singing inside and outside the venue.

The meeting which had started around noon had to be abandoned after the youths turned rowdy shouting at the officials led by Sisasenkosi Ndebele (Senator) who had to leave the venue in a huff.

This was despite during her welcome remarks Ndebele had said the meeting was non political and participants were "free to air their views."

After disrupting the meeting the youths started singing in support of President Emerson Mnangagwa asking why "people hated him."

During the meeting the ruling party youths would occasionally disrupt the proceedings when they booed other people's contributions as well as clapping when fellow party members were making their submissions.

In their support of the bill the youths unanimously said it would "curb terrorism" by monitoring the activities of non profit organisations who they accused of allegedly harbouring a "regime change agenda" through support from "hostile Western countries."

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