5 Chinese nationals fined over illegal cremation exercise

Harare magistrate Ruth Moyo heard that the five connived and made false declarations that the deceased’s relatives had consented to the cremation of his remains.

FIVE Chinese nationals were on Friday fined US$200 each for conducting an illegal cremation exercise after their fellow countryman died in Harare last month.

Harare magistrate Ruth Moyo heard that the five connived and made false declarations that the deceased’s relatives had consented to the cremation of his remains.

They are Chen Ying (44) , Xia Wenxing (40) ,Guo Wellin (32), Yan Qi (36) and Wang Huasheng (35).

Prosecutor Mandirasa Chigumira told the court that on May 20, 2024, a Chinese national , Huang Tian Song died at Trauma Centre, Borrowdale, Harare. 

The five, acting in common purpose arranged for a postmortem to be done on the deceased’s body at Parirenyatwa Hospital. 

After the postmortem was done, they approached officials from the Registrar-General Office where they applied for a burial order.

On May 22 , 2024, after obtaining the burial they produced a false document in the form of an affidavit in the name of Chen purporting to have been granted permission by deceased’s relatives and caused the body of the deceased to be cremated by Monsoon Funeral Directors. 

Investigations revealed that the five had no permission to cremate Huang’s remains.

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