Drought: Govt targets 9,6m plots for Pfumvudza

LANDS, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development minister Anxious Masuku

LANDS, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development minister Anxious Masuku yesterday said there had been a 29,5% increase in the Pfumvudza programme uptake with a total of 2,3 million plots ready for the 2024/25 agricultural season.

The government climate-proofed agricultural programme is aimed at boosting productivity through conservation farming.

Government says it targets to support 9,5 million plots under the programme to mitigate the effects of climate change and boost food security.

“This 29,5% increase in Pfumvudza plots is a testament to the resilience of our farmers and the effectiveness of the government’s climate-proofing strategies. We are on track to ensure food self-sufficiency and improve livelihoods across the country,” Masuka told journalists at a Press conference.

“Our goal for the 2024/25 season is to support 9,5 million plots nationwide. This will not only help us to mitigate the risks posed by erratic rainfall patterns, but also empower smallholder farmers who are critical to our agricultural sector.”

Zimbabwe has not been spared the effects of climate change as seen in recurrent droughts.

The El Niño-induced drought has left five million citizens in urgent need of food aid.

Agricultural economist Wellington Moyo said the Pfumvudza programme could boost food security if executed well.

“The Pfumvudza initiative is crucial in ensuring that even in the face of climate change, our farmers can produce enough to feed their families and contribute to national food security,” he said.

However, there have been reports of Pfumvudza farm inputs being looted by top government and Zanu PF officials as well as traditional leaders.

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