Councillors accused of stealing food aid

File pic: In Mutasa, villagers accused Zanu PF ward 19 councillor Valentine Mukahanana and his ward 18 counterpart Johane Mandiringana of diverting the food aid for personal benefit.

Two Zanu PF rural district councillors have been accused of stealing government food aid meant for villagers in response to the El Nino-induced drought.

In April President Emmerson Mnangagwa declared the drought a national disaster, and appealed for US$3 billion to fund mitigation measures.

There are, however, disturbing reports of the food aid being politicised, hijacked or stolen by those in charge of the distribution exercise or compiling the list of intended beneficiaries.

In Mutasa, villagers accused Zanu PF ward 19 councillor Valentine Mukahanana and his ward 18 counterpart Johane Mandiringana of diverting the food aid for personal benefit.

According to concerned villagers, Mukahanana allegedly diverted inputs intended for beneficiaries in Ward 19, Chidzinzwa area, Mwoyoweshumba and Jombe Primary School.

Mandiringana allegedly diverted maize meant for villagers in Chidazembe and Nyamukwarara areas, according to a petition they addressed to the Zanu PF provincial leadership.

According to the villagers, they reported the theft of the inputs at the Penghalanga police station whom they accused of sweeping the cases under the carpet.

"Efforts were made in reporting the cases to the Penhalonga police, but to no avail as it's clear that the police officers are also taking a bite to cover up the two councilors' tracks," the petition reads.

“Police fficers stationed at Penhalonga police station have been dodgy as they totally failed to handle the cases.

“It's now clearly evident that the two councillors are using bribery to silence the police officers.”

Zanu PF Mutasa district coordinating committee chairperson Washington Ziwiwi, said investigations should be done and action taken if the claims are proved to be true.

"Thorough investigations should be done and if they are found guilty, the law should take its course,” Ziwiwi said.

“His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on record saying no one is above the law.”

Acting Manicaland police spokesperson assistant inspector Wiseman Chinyoka said he was not aware of the matter.

"I am not aware of the matter, but we will find out. I also believe that our police in Penhalonga are clean," he said.

Over nine million Zimbabweans including urbanites are said to be food insecure owing to the drought.

The drought situation has been worsened by the harsh economic climate where the majority of citizens are failing to make ends meet because of a toxic combination of poor salaries or lack of jobs.

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