Re-construct your thoughts

MOST people limit themselves in their mind.

The mind is one sphere that has created almost everything we see around us.

Psychologists talk of neuroplasticity, when they define or refer to the ability of the mind to grow or stretch and change.

Personally, you might have faced the worst in your life and have failed, but if you try to change how you think and what you want to accomplish, your life will change.

Believe first

Inventions we see around us, the books, businesses and ideas, are all generated in the mind.

As a professional and certified coach, I have learnt that most people limit themselves because of what they believe in.

On the other hand, people we term elite performers, game changers or trendsetters carry special positive beliefs such as: It is possible. I can. I will. I have what it takes to be the best.

Change your toxic beliefs

Tony Robbins, in his book Awaken the Giant within, says: “Holding those limiting beliefs is equivalent to systematically ingesting minute doses of arsenic that, over time, build up to a fatal dose.”

Personal success is built on belief systems. Belief systems are in fact, building blocks of life. They are the foundation of life.

Belief systems are like bricks that are used to build the whole structure we call life.

The time you uphold good belief systems, you live a life of fulfilment and fruitfulness. You are a sum total of what you believe in.

Your happiness is hinged on your belief systems.

The way you judge a situation is mainly based on what you believe in.

As Robbins said, if you have negative belief systems, you should expect nothing but to reap those negative results.

It is also true for positive belief systems. They determine your attitude both in times of adversity or good.

Re-define your beliefs

What are belief systems? According to, a belief system is “. . . an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality. This could be in the form of religion, political affiliation, philosophy or spirituality, among other things. These beliefs are shaped and influenced by different factors. Our knowledge on a certain topic, the way we were raised and even peer pressure from others can help to create and even change our belief systems. The convictions that come from these systems are a way for us to make sense of the world around us and to define our role within it.”

Change your lens

It is something that we accept as true and we use those lenses to see, sift and judge the world around us.

We don’t see the world as is; we see the world as we are.

The best you can do is to change your lens.

At times your lens might be dirty and you see the world as such.

For the reason of this article, we are not going to tackle the religious aspect of belief systems as a subject, although to a greater extent religious beliefs have an effect on one’s mental paradigm.

What brain energy do you have?

To live a life of success, you must have a mind picture of the life you want to live that has a positive impact on you and humanity.

Success scholars will tell you that your brain can’t differentiate between something you are actually experiencing and something you vividly imagine.

A good example is that of Roger Bannister. Before 1954, no athlete had run a mile in less than four minutes, but on May 6 that year, Bannister ran a mile in 3:59.4 minutes.

The four minute barrier was broken and after then, the four minute time tag has been broken several times by different athletes.

What does that mean? The belief that a mile can be run in less than four minutes was now in the minds of athletes and it was not a problem to translate that in a physical reality.

The world is a mirror of your mind

Most people would argue that their world is a reflection of their inner world.

Your outer world corresponds with your deep seated patterns of thinking or your paradigm.

Life is not necessarily about “what you want”, but your subconscious state of how “you want it to be like”.

That is your belief system; your inner software that regulates how your whole mental system functions, perceives and sifts things and in most times without you being aware of.

Don’t allow your mind to limit you

Belief systems create boundaries or limitations in your mind.

They determine your destiny. All people are always thinking.

The major factor is what you are thinking about.

Some people are obsessed with obscene, dangerous, limiting, destructive and demining thoughts.

TV, internet entertain and control some people’s mind and that should not be the case.

Not every thought that flies over your head should be entertained.

Parting Point: The philosopher and psychologist William James once said: “The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now and dissolve the fear in our minds.”

You can reconstruct your life by reconstructing how and what you believe in. It is all in your power and it’s all in your mind. Take a stand and believe you can.

  • Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker, and leadership trainer. He can be contacted on X @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918

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