Becoming a lucid dreamer: Discovering the hidden language of dreams

This means intentionally seeking teachings and resources that help you grow in your understanding of the dream language.

Have you ever had a dream where you thought, "If only I could control this dream and change its outcome?" Many people experience recurring dreams, sometimes with recurring attacks, and feel that they have the potential to control their dreams but don’t know how. This is where the concept of lucid dreaming comes in. Lucid dreaming allows the dreamer to have control and authority over the events in the dream.

But many ask how does one achieve lucid dreaming? The key to lucid dreaming is understanding dreams while you're awake. To master your dreams during sleep, you first need to develop a deep awareness of dreams in your waking life. This means intentionally seeking teachings and resources that help you grow in your understanding of the dream language.

When your understanding of dreams increases, you develop the ability to gain control over them. Lucid dreaming is the art of being aware that you're dreaming and having the power to influence the outcome. You are conscious of the activities in your dreams and can take full control of what happens.

First, recognise that you can have control over your dreams. This realisation is crucial in gaining mastery over them.

Meditation is often misunderstood as emptying the mind. However, in Christian practice, meditation involves filling yourself with the Word of God. While the world meditates by emptying, in Christ, we meditate by being filled with divine truth. To become a lucid dreamer, meditate on teachings about dreams and on the Word of God. Scripture refines your ability to hear from God and sharpens your awareness that dreams are more than random images—they are a space where significant spiritual and personal growth can occur.

Consider the story of Solomon, who received an impartation of wisdom through a dream. Upon waking up, he became the wisest man on earth. This example from the Bible shows that dreams have the power to impart divine wisdom and direction.

The Bible also warns us of negative influences in dreams, as in the parable where seeds of weeds (tares) were sown while men slept. These examples demonstrate that dreams can affect our lives profoundly, for better or worse.

A lucid dreamer is someone who is conscious of the reality and impact of dreams. Before you go to sleep, pray and ask God to help you gain mastery and control over your dreams. Spend time in the Word, because the Bible tells us that God’s Word is sharper than any double-edged sword, able to divide between soul and spirit. The Word refines your ability to discern and hear God in your dreams.

With a heart anchored in Scripture and a growing understanding of the significance of dreams, you will enter the dream realm better equipped. You’ll have the tools to engage with the spiritual realities of dreams, and you'll be empowered to change outcomes in your favour.

You have the authority to influence the direction and outcomes of your dreams. By meditating on teachings about dreams and immersing yourself in the Word of God, you can become a lucid dreamer, fully aware of and in control of your dream experiences.

Solomon learned about dreams from his father, which prepared him to interact with God in the realm of dreams. In the same way, you can learn to interact with the divine and with spiritual realities through your dreams.

Remember, the things that are unseen are eternal, while the visible things are temporary. What we see in the spirit realm and in dreams can be more real than what we see in the natural world. Be conscious of the power of the dream realm and the impact it can have on your life.

My prayer for you is that you will become a lucid dreamer. The first step is to understand that dreams matter. Value your dreams, and meditate on the truth that you can have control and authority over them.

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