Letter from America: Kennedy’s support for Trump exposes Democrats!

During the last four years, the DP has become more authoritarian, allowing an elite club of illuminati to make and force decisions on its members.  This seems to be playing in favour of Republican candidate Trump.

Though the US Democratic Party makes the loudest noise about “keeping our Democracy” and painting Republican opponent Donald Trump as autocratic, it has been caught in a whirlwind which is doing it some damage.

During the last four years, the DP has become more authoritarian, allowing an elite club of illuminati to make and force decisions on its members.  This seems to be playing in favour of Republican candidate Trump.

Just yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy, the son of the famous late Robert Kennedy, brother of the more famous John F. Kennedy sought an audience with vice president Kamala Harris.

He was disrespected and denied.

Kennedy was licking his wounds from another serious offense. He had registered as a candidate in his home state of New York. The DP sent cut throat attorneys to dispute his residence qualifications even though he had a house and has lived in New York.

The illuminati, who run the Democratic Party consists of self-appointed elders called “Super Delegates.” The list reads like a millionaire’s list.

Kennedy was miffed by the incestual relationship between the DP and the food and pharmaceutical companies found himself exiled into the winter cold. He argues that just for a start, half of all American children are obese because the US government has negated its role as a supervisor in food manufacture.

The food companies lace foods so that children are addicted to what we call “junk foods.”

By comparison, Kennedy was treated with great respect and forbearance by Trump, who promised him a place in his administration, should he win the election.

But there are other big-name billionaires too who felt the same. Jewish billionairess Miriam Adelman and Elon Musk feel the same way.

Adelman wants Arabs removed from Palestine by any means necessary and has offered USD100 million for the Trump re-election. (Source: judge Andrew Napolitano)

Musk is said to have promised a similar amount as well as access to his X-handle (Twitter).

These developments bring Trump decisive advantages, enormous amounts of money as well as alternative news by alternative media.

The general media, including two conglomerates, MSNBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) and Cable News Network (CNN) are reported to be on the verge of bankruptcy because of reduced viewership.

Their bias against Trump has led to reduced viewership.

The Democratic Party is fighting on two fronts. On the cultural front, it has removed itself from normal common-sense issues. Harris disavows the common-sense idea that human life begins at conception.

Democrats hide behind an idea of their own creation that denies “personhood” to a fetus.

Therefore, according to the DP, since a fetus lacks “personhood” even after nine months of pregnancy, abortion is the prerogative of the “woman” (not mother).

To drive their point home, a mobile clinic was offering free abortions and free vasectomies at the Democratic Party conference in Chicago, August 14-17.

Their attack on what was considered human nature is endless, but the icing on the cake is a 1 500-page document adumbrating Title IX.

Trans-genderism involves the right of girls under 18 to opt for gender correction; cutting off their breasts while receiving puberty blocking medicines.

Boys can get their tails cut off.

Sam sex marriage has become a cornerstone of US foreign policy. Any African country that rejects this human understanding is cut off from foreign aid.

In domestic policy, the DP has, within four years opened the border to 10.6 million (official count) to illegal immigrants. In most states, anybody with a driver’s license can vote.

To challenge a voter’s citizenship, within 100 yards of a voting station can land one in a federal jailhouse for interference.

In foreign policy, the forever wars are making armaments companies very rich. As we speak, Congress has approved US$20 billion for weapons to be used in the slaughter of Arabs in Gaza and US$60 billion for Ukraine.

Democrats are laughing their way to the bank. The Democrats are the brainy party. Their argument is that by using surrogates in the Ukraine, where 500 000 Ukrainians have died, and in Gaza, where 180 000 have been slaughtered, Americans should rejoice at their own ingenuity.

No more American boys are sent abroad to die. The US manufactures the bombs and sells them and take their loot to the bank.

Winning is not an issue. The US left US$80 billion worth of equipment in Afghanistan.

Oh, I left out the main DP platform. Every four years, Democrats visit as many black churches as they can scaring blacks that if they vote for Republicans, slavery will return.

For the first time in 50 years, I have seen young black men organize and reject this approach on two accounts.


Young black men are beginning to wake up to the call of what is important in every man’s life, a job or welfare.

Generally, even the Democrats believe that Republicans manage the economy better. The scare about Republicans lowering taxes for billionaires is wearing thin.

The Democratic Conference was roused to chant, “Tax the Rich.” As Bernie Sanders finished his tax the rich speech, he was followed and surrounded by Bill Clinton (US$74 million), Barak Obama (US$72 million) Oprah Winfrey (US$1.6billion) Nancy Pelosi (US$94 million).

All these except Oprah are political millionaires. They have no other discernible employment other than politics.

All this talk about “Tax the Rich” is hullaballoo.

Democrats also emphasize their intolerance of sexual predators, pointing at Trump as a prime example.

While Ms. Hillary Clinton lambasted Republican Trump for personal sins, forgetting that her husband’s record of sexual immorality is unbeatable.

A young intern, Monica Lewinsky, regularly visited the White House library to kiss Bill Clinton’s private parts.

Young blacks are beginning to ask themselves whether they have been cheated by the Democrats in placing emphasis on civil rights rather than employment and self-sufficiency-a promise Republicans have a proven record.

As for immorality, Trump paid for his immorality, Bill Clinton used public funds to rewards his wenches.

*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes form the US. He can be reached at [email protected]

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