Emmanuel Koro

Emmanuel Koro

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Sadc yet to act upon Cites ivory trade ban

Koro is a Johannesburg-based international award-winning environmental journalist who writes on environment and development issues in Africa.
By Emmanuel Koro Oct. 28, 2022

What’s wrong with Cites?

Nothing at all, if judged by other UN agencies.
By Emmanuel Koro Dec. 8, 2022

What’s wrong with the UN’s Cites?

It isn’t, but the issue enhances the NGOs’ money-raising capabilities.
By Emmanuel Koro Dec. 9, 2022

Wildlife communities’ voices must be heard

It is here where the world is given a new lens to catch a rare glimpse of the little-known, stunning and mind-set-changing international hunting benefits.
By Emmanuel Koro Jan. 12, 2023

Feature: Why trophy hunting will never stop in Africa despite opposition

As along as international hunting continues to bring socio-economic and conservation benefits to Africa, nothing will stop it
By Emmanuel Koro Feb. 23, 2023

Inside Botswana communities’ 21st century international hunting windfall

Without it, Botswana hunting communities would have never known what it feels like to democratically determine how to meet their own socio-economic needs.
By Emmanuel Koro Mar. 16, 2023

Is Sadc ready to unlock wildlife’s trade value?

Instituting new legal means of trading ivory would create opportunities to put poachers, illegal ivory trade syndicates and the animal right groups fundraising industry out of business.
By Emmanuel Koro Apr. 6, 2023

Feature: Camilla gets it right on carrying ivory rod — anti-ivory use groups don’t

In an interview, Botswana Chieftainess Rebecca Banika said, “It’s indeed a good move for the Queen of England to show support for the need to use wildlife products such as ivory.
By Emmanuel Koro Apr. 21, 2023

Will Queen Camilla buckle under pressure from anti-ivory activists?

“We find the demand by the animals rights groups that Queen Camilla should not use  an historic ivory rod as totally unreasonable,” said chairman of the  Southern Africa Community Leaders Network
By Emmanuel Koro Apr. 29, 2023

Feature: Sadc loses iconic conservationist

In an interview this week, former Campfire chairpersonand president of the Hwange Painted Dog Project, Jerry Gotora said Jonga succumbed to prostate cancer.
By Emmanuel Koro May. 11, 2023

Is hunting threatening Botswana elephants?

The Botswana rural communities recently said that “hunting is the largest and booming industry that we have ever known in the 21st century.”
By Emmanuel Koro Jun. 2, 2023

FEATURE: International hunting benefits wildlife-producer communities

Kamona said the fact that wildlife roams freely in Tanzania’s wildlife-producer communities indicated that it’s safe.
By Emmanuel Koro Jun. 27, 2023

Feature: Big pharmaceutical companies exposed for theft, high prices

This background suggests that Harris’ issues with Novartis should be taken very seriously by the US government.
By Emmanuel Koro Jul. 24, 2023

Hunting benefits truths can collapse anti-hunting groups

They want to review it at committee stage where it is now.
By Emmanuel Koro Jul. 28, 2023

When lobbying and the laws work against good governance

In Namibia’s Anabeb Community, wildlife ‘told’ the local residents to abandon cattle production. There, the benefits from wildlife are greater than those from cattle.
By Emmanuel Koro Aug. 18, 2023

‘Artificial ivory opens another way to end ban on ivory trade’

The same can occur for this new artificial ivory — a chemically compounded material spun on a 3-D printer into the shape of an elephant’s tusk or a specific product design.
By Emmanuel Koro Sep. 22, 2023

Global conservation cowards harming people and wildlife

Much of that sympathy is directed towards Africa’s big five and nothing raises the level of sympathy more than opposing the culling of elephants.
By Emmanuel Koro Oct. 6, 2023

Life-changing international hunting benefits the world can’t ignore

Indeed, this is what sustainable development is all about — when both the environment, including wildlife and the people’s wellbeing is simultaneously and continuously improving.
By Emmanuel Koro Oct. 13, 2023

Life-changing international hunting benefits the world cannot ignore

Where there was no access to basic health, international hunting revenue has supported the construction of Masoka Clinic.
By Emmanuel Koro Oct. 13, 2023

Botswana communities’ hunting benefits inspire SA counterparts

In this remarkable example of human-wildlife coexistence in Botswana, animals are also constructing respectable senior citizen homes.
By Emmanuel Koro Nov. 17, 2023

Zambia’s cancellation of hunting tender faces community pushback

Almost nowhere in pro-international hunting and wildlife-rich Southern Africa has a senior government official ever single-handedly cancelled a legal and approved hunting tender.
By Emmanuel Koro Dec. 21, 2023

‘Come hunt in Kalahari Desert’

Mr Miaennies said that the Khomani San Community is so underdeveloped and lacks one of the most basic necessities for humans — clean drinking water.
By Emmanuel Koro Jan. 12, 2024

SA political parties ignore rural communities’ needs

The communities’ demands for benefits from natural resources are supported by South Africa’s constitution.
By Emmanuel Koro Mar. 8, 2024

Spotlight on South Africa’s democracy

“For South African citizens, however, the equation has evolved in a totally different way.
By Emmanuel Koro May. 10, 2024

Kruger Park neighbours to start hunting

Besides bringing comparatively more money to a hunting community, the single international hunter also has a comparatively far less impact on the environment.
By Emmanuel Koro Aug. 9, 2024