Osbert Nyandoro

Osbert Nyandoro

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Hunt for new perspectives as world SDGs flame out

The old adage "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" unhelpfully comes to mind raising the level of self-pity, despair, shame and depression.
By Osbert Nyandoro Oct. 6, 2023

A vibrant NRZ will reduce Zimbabwe’s RTA death toll

The overnight and, or daily trains from Harare to Bulawayo, Mutare and Masvingo, and vice-versa should be restored.
By Osbert Nyandoro Dec. 3, 2023

Independent thinkers a necessity in executive suites, boardrooms

Of course this is unnecessary bureaucracy if you have a competent board of directors and world class management team in place.
By Osbert Nyandoro May. 3, 2024

Bright side of horse-trading in South Africa’s 2024 GNU

A female member of the ANC also got elected as Speaker of Parliament with the help of the DA. A rainbow government is the outcome.
By Osbert Nyandoro Aug. 2, 2024