5 CCC members in court over ED poster

Dzingai Muzhuzha (38), Calvin Maronga (35), Gilbert Zakaria (43), Richard Sizwebani (50) and Morgan Chitake (26) were facing a charge of contravening provisions of the Electoral Act.

FIVE Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members accused of destroying a Zanu PF campaign poster bearing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s image appeared at the Karoi Magistrate Court on Thursday. 

Dzingai Muzhuzha (38), Calvin Maronga (35), Gilbert Zakaria (43), Richard Sizwebani (50) and Morgan Chitake (26) were facing a charge of contravening provisions of the Electoral Act.

It is the State case that on July 21 at As You Like It complex in Karoi, the five unlawfully pasted a CCC poster bearing CCC presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa’s image on Mnangagwa’s campaign poster.

The complex belongs to Richard Ziki, a Zanu PF candidate for Hurungwe Central.

The complainant is the State which is being represented by July Changwe who is a member of Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ), a Zanu PF affiliate.

FAZ is reportedly linked to the State spy agency, the Central Intelligence Organisation.

Changwe filed a police report, resulting in the arrest of the five.

Magistrate Moreblessing Makati granted them $50 000 bail each and remanded the matter to today for trial.

The accused are being represented by Unite Saizi of Saizi Law Chambers. 

Progress Maponde prosecuted.

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