New book advocates for wellness

Apostle Bernie

The much-awaited book titled My Journey to Weight Loss and Wellness: A life changing narrative by Apostle Bernie was launched last weekend at Cresta Oasis Hotel in Harare.

The event was graced by notable captains of industry among them advocate and author Arthur Marara, business entrepreneur and author Rinos Mautsa, the chartered vendor entrepreneur Jerry Nyazungu, scientist in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zimbabwe Tsungai Reid, motivational speaker coach Gwen, Apostle Yobo as well as Masangano and the managing director at Cresta hotel Chipo Mandela.

Copies were sold for US$10 with the first copy of the book having been purchased for US$1 750. The book seeks to address a healthy lifestyle for all.

The event was made up of a balanced panel of guest speakers who took turns to attest to the power of wellness and working hard.

Guests were also treated to presentations on entrepreneurial skills coupled with wellness awareness discussions.

Apostle Bernie emphasised the importance of living well and also took the opportunity to announce the release of the second edition of the book which will focus on the different recipes to be explored daily.

The author is a woman of many coats and seeks to tell her story through her work.

She wrote the book as her personal testimonial narration and hopes it will transform and uplift the lives of others.

She is a holder of PhD Edu from the USA, an MA Edu from Cyprus, Bsc Edu USA. She is an ordained minister of the word and a certified counsellor TIMFA USA, Diploma in Journalism SA, PA UK, a Life Skills and Etiquette Coach and a business mentor.

Speaking on Book Club Sessions, a literature show on AMH’s sister company Heart and Soul Broadcasting Services Apostle Bernie said that she was prompted to write about her journey to wellness because she used to weigh 106 kgs and has since reduced her weight to 80 kgs.

“I decided to give my narrative with a focus on the three Ds which are key in this narrative namely discipline, direction and dedication. Discipline in the sense that you have to know the amount of food that you are supposed to take daily, and the amount of food that you have to take alternatively as well as the quality of food that you must take. This requires a lot of discipline in other words as you walk on this journey you need to do it from a position of comfort and wellness not that you're being coerced by someone or peer pressured but it should be something that comes from your heart. You also have to be dedicated and have the desire,” she added.

She also said the earliest influence that got her to start writing was in journalism. “You know how it is when you are a journalist you love to write and take different aspects to a story. I started when I was in school, I was good at literature and used to help others as well. I developed my passion further when I was at ZBC. I love to express myself through writing,” she said, adding that she hopes that her books will be a life-changing situation for her readers.

“I am seeking their total transformation, I would love to transform through mentorship. In my extra time, I mentor people about business, I have been in business for the past 25 years so you find that I've reached that place of level 5 in leadership where I can train someone to start on their own.”

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