How dialogue, documentation can preserve local food knowledge

When dialogue contextualises a topic which communities have always wished they had, local people see the need for their knowledge to be documented.
By Charles Dhewa Jun. 12, 2024

Developing local capacity to handle food is the best way to stop food imports

A few months down the road, the same communities will be requesting food aid or remittances from relatives in cities or the diaspora.
By Charles Dhewa Jun. 5, 2024

Converting harvests into commodities and products that last longer

Unlike mass markets that try to come up with fair pricing systems based on demand and supply, prices announced by government are often not informed by demand and supply.
By Charles Dhewa Apr. 17, 2024

Building business models around indigenous food

Most African countries do not have enough packaged evidence to reveal what constitute the food basket in in particular communities and towns.
By Charles Dhewa Mar. 20, 2024

Building business models around indigenous food – what are the issues?

These are some of the ways indigenous knowledge can be used to change and increase community knowledge bases.
By Charles Dhewa Mar. 13, 2024

Stage set for epic All Africa Festival

The founding members and organisers of AFF lead non-profit initiatives which support Africans in the UAE.
By Kennedy Nyavaya Jan. 23, 2024

Countries dependent on external inputs are colonised

The uniqueness of what makes local breeds indigenous should be preserved.
By Charles Dhewa Jan. 10, 2024

Questions that can promote healthy African food through colleges and schools

Some foreign food has become part of African food systems such that people may be confused when such food is not considered African.
By Charles Dhewa Aug. 24, 2023

Narrow extension models unsuitable for holistic food systems

In most communities, baboons, monkeys, wild pigs and even hippopotamuses often invade fields and homesteads to feed on farmers’ crops and foodstuffs.
By Charles Dhewa Mar. 15, 2023