Tendayi soars to US on carved eagles

He believes that urban set-ups are too far from game parks and sculptures help children to know more about animals and leave them with a desire to see the actual animals.
By Tendai Sauta Jun. 28, 2024

Hippo population in sharp decline

According to the survey, the decline has been attributed to droughts and human activities such as poaching along the shared water resource.
By Obert Siamilandu Jun. 8, 2024

AWF avails anti-poaching equipment

AWF last week handed over ranger field equipment to the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) and rural district councils.
By Obert Siamilandu Feb. 6, 2024

AWF tackles deforestation

During the tobacco season, Zimbabwe earned over US$1 billion in foreign currency but it has had major effects, particularly deforestation caused by curing of the golden leaf.
By Nhau Mangirazi Dec. 27, 2023

Feature: Mbire tackles climate change

AWF country director Olivia Mufute said the project was a necessary intervention in the face of climate change-induced droughts.
By Nhau Mangirazi Dec. 23, 2023

Youths key to reducing Kariba overfishing: FAO

AWF country director, Olivia Mufute said youth engagement was a welcome development for posterity.
By Nhau Mangirazi Nov. 13, 2023

Chiefs’ conservation efforts applauded

He said the traditional leaders were also the driving force behind the maintenance and reclamation of wildlife corridors.
By Obert Siamilandu Jun. 21, 2023

AWF equips rangers to fight poaching, animal trafficking

Mufute said AWF was currently supporting government wildlife conservation efforts by producing the Zimbabwe Biodiversity Economy report,
By Obert Siamilandu Apr. 10, 2023

‘Communities must run local wildlife conservancies’

Protecting biodiversity can support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. It is thus necessary to address biodiversity loss to confront climate change.”
By Obert Siamilandu Jan. 18, 2023