Soldier in mysterious death

No comment could be obtained from the police on the state of the investigations.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 14, 2024

Former soldiers jailed

They claimed to have hidden the ivory in Mukuvisi River near Brooks Drive, Hillside, Harare.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Jan. 25, 2024

Massive shake-up of securocrats looms

In briefings this week, sources said several top bosses were reaching retirement age, hence the looming changes.
By Tinashe Makichi and Freeman Makopa Oct. 27, 2023

ZNA warns of conmen using army logo to issue fake statements

Makotore yesterday rubbished the statement.
By Nhau Mangirazi May. 23, 2023

Soldier dies, 3 arrested in robbery shootout

The four civilians are Peter Chiripiwako (33), Owen Dzinduwa (26), Collius Kamuti (40) and Timothy Mawere (29).
By Miriam Mangwaya Oct. 4, 2022

Soldiers’ pay hike riles civil servants

Defence minister Oppah Muchinguri and army spokesperson Alphios Makotore said welfare issues for soldiers were confidential before demanding questions in writing.

By The Standard Apr. 17, 2022

Soldiers’ pay hike riles civil servants

Defence minister Oppah Muchinguri and army spokesperson Alphios Makotore said welfare issues for soldiers were confidential before demanding questions in writing.

By The Standard Apr. 17, 2022