Inside sport: Just give Brito a call

A foreign coach would be the ideal choice for the Warriors of Zimbabwe.
By Michael Kariati Jul. 14, 2024

Inside Sport: Let’s give Brito the benefit of doubt

For a start, we need to give Baltermar Brito, the benefit of the doubt and allow him to finish a campaign he started.
By Michael Kariati Dec. 24, 2023

ZIFA appoints Bosso's Brito warriors coach

He will be assisted by Bongani Mafu and Genesis Mangombe.
By Kennedy Nyavaya Sep. 21, 2023

Mushore brothers carving own Bosso fairytale

Locally, the mention of siblings who forged a successful football career at the same time definitely brings back memories of the 90s.
By Terry Madyauta Apr. 16, 2023