Workers commemorate May Day in despair

This week, the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (Zimstat) forecast inflation at 57,5% though US economist Steve Hanke estimates it to be over 1 000%.
By Staff Writer May. 3, 2024

54% Zimbos unemployed: ZimStat

Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions chairperson, David Dzatsunga, said the latest figures were worrying.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Feb. 21, 2024

Civil servants toast to COVID-19 allowance measure

Before, the US$300 COVID-19 and cushioning allowances were not subjected to taxation since they were allowances.
By Belinda Chiroodza Dec. 5, 2023

Zimcodd lobbies for US$ salaries

ZCPSTU secretary-general David Dzatsunga said they were pushing for salary talks to resume and force government to consider their demands.
By Mirriam Mangwaya Apr. 10, 2023

Govt dodges crucial salary talks

Public Service ministry secretary Simon Masanga said government had been making consultations on what it could offer to its workers.
By Miriam Mangwaya Mar. 10, 2023

Budget dampens workers’ hopes

Many experts had expected the minister to increase the thresholds to $50 000 when he presented the mid-term budget review in July.

By The Standard Nov. 28, 2021

Budget dampens workers’ hopes

Many experts had expected the minister to increase the thresholds to $50 000 when he presented the mid-term budget review in July.

By The Standard Nov. 28, 2021

US dollar bonuses: Fresh questions over local currency

Authorities, usually unperturbed, have been unsettled, with a hunt for delinquent citizens blamed for stoking up the flames underway.

By The Standard Nov. 21, 2021

US dollar bonuses: Fresh questions over local currency

Authorities, usually unperturbed, have been unsettled, with a hunt for delinquent citizens blamed for stoking up the flames underway.

By The Standard Nov. 21, 2021