‘Bring back pregnant girls to school’

In 2020, Zimbabwe amended the Education Amendment Act to prohibit the exclusion of learners based on non-payment of fees and pregnancy.
By Lorraine Muromo Jun. 7, 2024

Breaking the stigma: Zimbabwe’s teenage mothers speak (Part 3)

Ellen (17) and Precious relate how they changed their narrative by going back to school despite being teen mothers.
By Regina Rumbidzai Pasipanodya Sep. 14, 2023

Feature: Free menstrual health kits help keep girls in school

Disposable sanitary pads are a luxury item for many in Zimbabwe, costing about US$4 for a one-month supply. For women and girls who cannot afford this option, traditional methods include using old pieces of cloth, newspapers, leaves and an absorbent paste made of cow dung — while also staying home several days a month to avoid the shame of a potential leak.

By The Standard Aug. 16, 2022