Societal social inclusion in entrepreneurial profitability

Just to say there is a perfect nexus between social matters of societies around entrepreneurship and the business profitability.
By Farai Chigora Jun. 9, 2024

Dearth of mentorship, talent management in entrepreneurship

Even with these technologies people at any level of the organisational hierarchy remain vital as assets for business longevity.
By Dr Farai Chigora Jun. 2, 2024

Business Opinion: Nexus between financial budgeting and entrepreneurship

Budgets provide a benchmark against which the entrepreneur can use to objectively assess the progress towards accomplishing their vision

Business Opinion: Visioning the lifecycle of entrepreneurship

Some fail to run their start-ups up to corporate level because they skip a stage.
By Farai Chigora Apr. 21, 2024

Benefits, concerns of illegal artisanal gold mining in Zim

Illegal artisanal gold mining in Zimbabwe has been a significant source of livelihood for many individuals, offering economic benefits to local communities.
By Gloria Ndoro-mkombachoto Apr. 12, 2024

Strategies to deploy when financial situation worsens

Zimbabwe is a tough environment to work in, because the cost of living is high, but first and foremost, it is wise to first scan the local job market for opportunities.
By Gloria Ndoro-mkombachoto Mar. 22, 2024

‘Entrepreneurship can rescue youths’

According to Unicef, the percentage of youth unemployment in Zimbabwe stands at 35%.
By Lorraine Muromo Mar. 20, 2024

New children’s book a magical adventure

The 65-page interactive guide is now available on and is designed to ignite creativity, nurture ideas and guide young minds through the exciting challenges of building their own businesses.
By Khumbulani Muleya Mar. 15, 2024

Business Opinion: Entrepreneurial marketing through artificial intelligence

 It is imperative for our entrepreneurs to also move with this development bearing in mind that AI is here to stay such that if you snooze you lose.
By Farai Chigora Feb. 11, 2024