Fredy revitalises family planning through stone creations

Fredy does not know any other profession than sculpting and has sold his creative works in several parts of the world.
By Tendai Sauta Aug. 9, 2024

Govt health programme bears fruit

Government is also planning to extend the model to public sector family planning clinics as well as central and provincial hospitals that have family planning clinics.
By Gamuchirai Nyamuziwa Sep. 25, 2023

Opinion: Is 18 years age of consent feasible in Zim?

According to the Zimbabwe Demographic Health Survey nearly 40% of girls and 24% of boys are sexual active before they reach the age of 18.
By Zororai Nkomo Jan. 8, 2023

‘Scrap tax on essential drugs’

ActionAid called for essential drugs like family planning pills and those for STIs to be freely accessible to the public.
By Methembe Sibanda Nov. 22, 2022

We demand answers from Treasury

So, what happened to the rest of the funds that were allocated to the Health ministry, but never reached it?
By Newsday Oct. 27, 2022

Treasury starved hospitals of medicines: Chiwenga

This resulted in the ministry only managing to procure 14% of the required medicines for hospitals this year due to financial constraints.
By Methembe Sibanda and Emma Nhancumba Oct. 26, 2022

PPH leading cause of maternal deaths

POSTPARTUM haemorrhage (PPH), excessive bleeding by a woman soon after giving birth, is said to be Zimbabwe’s leading cause of maternal deaths.
By Lorraine Muromo and Methembe Sibanda Oct. 25, 2022