US fans inspire Freeman

Other local artistes who performed in Dallas at the two-day festival on March 28 were Trevor Dongo, Tariro Gezi and Julian King.
By Albert Masaka May. 7, 2024

Police summon Freeman over robbery

In 2021, he was also seen posing for a picture with another robber Charles Chirara who was shot and killed at the house of lawyer Joseph Nemaisa.
By Donald Nyandoro Jan. 3, 2024

Freeman in trouble with police

This is not the first time that Freeman has been linked to criminals.
By Donald Nyandoro Jan. 2, 2024

Freeman linked to another robbery case

Sources close to the investigations said when he was questioned, Freeman revealed that the picture was taken sometime in 2016 and that he personally knew Chirara as a fan.
By Sindiso Dube Dec. 24, 2023

13 artistes who received massive airplay in 2023

Many of them received massive airplay due to their good song-writing prowess.
By Fred Zindi Dec. 3, 2023

Patriot Act faces court challenge

The Bill was widely condemned, but sailed through the Zanu PF-dominated National Assembly and Senate, paving way for Mnangagwa to append his signature.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Nov. 9, 2023

Germany, new popular destination for Zim musicians

Music has always been a great way to promote cultural exchange and build bridges between people from different backgrounds.
By Earground Jul. 8, 2023

IFC, WB programme transforms airports

We are looking at a cost of a new airport with all the required infrastructure, which should be about US$100 million.
By Freeman Makopa Apr. 6, 2023

Zim Link Up show draws top acts.

Ex Q and Nutty O will be making a return after performing at the event last year.
By Style Reporter Apr. 2, 2023