Feature: 2 years on, Bikita women await Presidential borehole scheme

Ward 5 community health worker Jesina Masvovere said there was an urgent need to avail a safer drinking water source for the community.
By Miriam Mangwaya Jun. 11, 2024

Relief for dry-prone Mwenezi community

The water, sanitation and hygiene intervention include the rehabilitation of 15 boreholes in three wards.
By Moses Mugugunyeki May. 17, 2024

Factors govts must consider to retain health workers

Several other studies highlight the role of financial and non-financial incentives towards retention of health workers in rural areas.
By Amh Voices Nov. 6, 2023

Health Talk: Health workers exodus inimical to healthcare delivery

At least 7,3 million nurses and midwives are currently employed in the European region, but the figure is said to be inadequate to meet current and future needs.
By Dr Johannes Marisa Jul. 16, 2023

Pat on back for village health workers

The initiative was in line with the global World Immunisation Week campaign that aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against diseases.
By Kenneth Nyangani Apr. 25, 2023

Renewed drive to dispel COVID-19 rumours, misinformation

The country’s vaccination drive, which began in 2020, had been hampered by fear and mistrust associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
By Caiphas Chimhete Apr. 18, 2023