South Africa has exposed re-engagement fallacy

What legacy can be restored by this cabal of looters? This lot would not know what legacy means even if it hit them in the backside!!! Legacy my foot!!
By Doctor Stop It Aug. 18, 2024

Redefining heroes, nationalism

The glorious exploits like the Zipra battles of Sipolilo and Wankie are never mentioned or the downing of the Viscount plane on its way to Kariba.
By Paidamoyo Muzulu Aug. 17, 2024

Songstress Prue jazzes Heroes commemorations

She believes that jazz music provides her an opportunity to showcase her ripeness and maturity in music-making and performances.
By Tendai Sauta Aug. 14, 2024

Heroic sacrifices and the evolving generational mandates

Without any arms they made a collective resolute position to confront the well-oiled lethal might of the colonial state.
By Richard Runyararo Mahomva Aug. 12, 2024

Nothing to celebrate on Heroes’ Day, says war vets leader

Among them Andreas Mathibela, the leader of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, stands out as a champion of the country’s liberation struggle.
By Sandra Ngwaru Aug. 12, 2024

Heroes Day: A time for national reflection

And there are those whose remains are interred at the National Heroes Acre and provincial heroes acres across the country.
By Newsday Aug. 12, 2024

Edutainment mix: Art in the face of adversity: Navigating censorship, harassment in Zimbabwe

Throughout the nation’s complex history, artists have employed their craft to challenge injustices and voice the aspirations of a people yearning for change.
By Raymond Millagre Langa Aug. 11, 2024

Heroes’ Day: Allow people to enjoy freedoms

Zimbabweans hoped for a reformist government after the Robert Mugabe era, envisioning a departure from a police State towards a more democratic society.
By Faith Zaba Aug. 9, 2024

Muckracker: Speak good only of the dead

We are truly blessed to have a romantic leader in power. What more could a country want?
By Muckraker Aug. 18, 2023