Letter to my people: China jaunt exposed their nepotism

 The scarfed leader of the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion has become the ugly face of nepotism, tribalism and cronyism amid appalling levels of corruption in the country.
By Doctor Stop It Sep. 8, 2024

Ngwena showing his dark side

It just goes to show just how clueless this Lacoste regime is that the new currency is already beginning to show signs of failure less than four months after it was launched.
By Doctor Stop It Aug. 4, 2024

Letter to my people: Tshabangu has shown his true colours

After declaring himself interim secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu has gone a step further to impose himself as a senator for Bulawayo.
By Doctor Stop It Feb. 11, 2024

Letter to my people: There is huge trouble in the cockpit

Now we have Vapositori for ED, YoungWomen4ED, Teachers4ED and Hwindis4ED.
By Doctor Stop It Oct. 16, 2022

Letter to my people: Dougie always aimed for gravy train

Even after secretly meeting Ngwena at State House on two occasions, Dougie insisted that he would not join Polad.
By Doctor Stop It Oct. 9, 2022