How African mass markets enable participants to write their own CVs

The more an individual farmer or trader participates in the mass market, the more his/her CV is enhanced.
By Charles Dhewa Jul. 3, 2024

Private equity in Zim: Are we there yet?

Broadly speaking, equities are divided into public listed and private equity and the latter focuses on investing in the shares that are off the market.
By Rufaro Hozheri Jun. 28, 2024

Tobacco volumes down 27%

Zimbabwe this year projects to produce 235 million kg of tobacco, from a record harvest of 296 million kg last year.
By Blessed Ndlovu Jun. 20, 2024

RBZ, SecZim design framework for virtual assets trading

Why virtual assets will work with the CDC is because it already operates a central securities depository for the Zimbabwe’s securities industry.
By Melody Chikono Jun. 17, 2024

Suspected diamond parcel thieves back in court

Waita is a security supervisor at Anjin Investments stationed at RGM International Airport, while Muripa is a detective constable attached to the same airport.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Jun. 16, 2024

Zanu PF MP in food aid storm

The sources said Dumbarimwe allegedly claimed that he was using personal resources to deliver grain to the villagers in Manicaland province.
By Staff Reporter Jun. 13, 2024

Govt tightens screws on cotton contractors

He spoke as farmers said they were still owed up to US$5 million for last season’s deliveries by the State run Cottco Holdings, the country’s biggest player.
By Julia Ndlela and Tafadzwa Mhlanga Jun. 7, 2024

AMA opens 2024 cotton marketing season

Cotton remains the country’s second most exported agricultural crop, after tobacco, This makes it a significant foreign currency earner.
By Tafadzwa Mhlanga Jun. 7, 2024

SecZim bemoans absence of investment bankers

Speaking at the inaugural Capital Markets Conference in Nyanga this week, SecZim chief executive Anymore Taruvinga  said the market had been grappling with financial inclusion.
By Melody Chikono Jun. 7, 2024