Chinamasa joins ED2030 sloganeering gang

Chinamasa was in  Manicaland a few days before a provincial co-ordinating committee meeting where he chanted the Mnangagwa 2030 slogan. 
By Kenneth Nyangani Jun. 6, 2024

ED, Chinamasa cross swords over Chitando

In the letter to Garwe seen by NewsDay, Chinamasa said he felt compelled to advise him that the council had been deemed to be one of the best run local authorities under Mutasa.
By Kenneth Nyangani Jun. 3, 2024

Council, land developer smoke peace pipe

The suspended Makoni RDC chairperson David Guy Mutasa and chief executive officer Edward Pise are Chinamasa’s known allies.
By Kenneth Nyangani and Moses Mugugunyeki Jun. 2, 2024

Breakdance to make Olympic debut

In 2009, they made an appearance at the National Arts Merit Awards (Nama) and have shared the stage with Pockemon Crew from France (2008).
By Staff Writer May. 31, 2024

Loss control institute alarmed by rampant procurement crime

Procurement continues to be characterised by leakages in government revenue contributing to the country losing US$1,8 billion annually, according to official estimates.
By Tatira Zwinoira May. 31, 2024

Council’s opaque land deals saga deepens

The suspended Makoni RDC chairperson David Guy Mutasa and chief executive officer Edward Pise are Chinamasa’s known allies.
By Moses Mugugunyeki and Kenneth Nyangani May. 26, 2024

Zanu PF heavyweights implicated in shady council deals

The suspended Makoni RDC chairperson David Guy Mutasa and chief executive officer Edward Pise are Chinamasa’s known allies.
By Kenneth Nyangani May. 19, 2024

Chinamasa, minister clash over council bosses’ suspension

In a new turn of events, Chinamasa wrote to the Local Government ministry protesting against the suspension of his allies.
By Kenneth Nyangani May. 12, 2024

Matabeleland South hospitals suffer from neglect

Manama Hospital, severely affected by storms in 2021, has seen no real progress despite claims of funds disbursements.
By The Citizen Bulletin Apr. 21, 2024