Interview: ‘Accommodation crisis haunting legislators’

The hotels do not give Parliament credit lines, I mean we cannot be paying for everything.
By Sharon Buwerimwe Jun. 29, 2024

Of promises and lies

The promises to improve their welfare have been made before. However, they turned out to be lies.
By Newsday May. 24, 2024

Govt sets target for winter wheat cropping

Lands, Water, Agriculture and Rural Development minister Anxious Masuka revealed this in the National Assembly while responding to questions from legislators.
By Harriet Chikandiwa Mar. 30, 2024

Even after splurging millions, poor Wicknell can’t find love

Reports suggest that Chivayo paid a bride price of US$50 000 in 2017, and the intervening years have seen Wicknell buy more fancy cars to stock in his garage.
By Muckraker Mar. 28, 2024

Govt coffers bleed as oversight too ‘cumbersome’ for Treasury

Money supply growth without corresponding economic output causes a currency to lose its value since it will not be backed by tangible fundamentals.
By Tatira Zwinoira Feb. 19, 2024

Zimbos vote for personalities: Zesn

In its by-election report, Zesn said the elections exposed Zimbabweans’ preference for individualised politics.
By Priveledge Gumbodete Feb. 12, 2024

Zanu PF two-thirds majority curse

The country is in a precarious position. A two-thirds majority is a good platform to pass difficult and unpopular decisions.
By Paidamoyo Muzulu Feb. 10, 2024

A pyrrhic victory

An analysis of the turnout showed that it was low compared to that of August 23, 2023, with average turnout at 22,1%.
By Newsday Feb. 6, 2024

Zanu PF sets primary elections date

Zanu PF failed to achieve a two-thirds majority in the August elections, winning 136 of the 209 National Assembly seats contested against 73 for the CCC.
By Problem Masau Oct. 26, 2023