Teen rapes 85 year old granny

The complaint told her neighbours who managed track his footsteps and effected citizen arrest on him.
By Simbarashe Sithole Sep. 15, 2024

DeMbare seeks Confed Cup advantage

Dynamos are playing in the second tier continental club competition for the first time since 2012 when they were knocked out by Angolan side Interclube.
By Munyaradzi Madzokere Sep. 15, 2024

lllegal billboard ruling deferred to September 18

The complainant made a report to the police, leading to their arrest.
By Desmond Chingarande Sep. 12, 2024

Ndebele kingdom tussle partly solved

Bulawayo Residents Association chairperson Winos Dube paid tribute to the king and said it was an important event to revive the Ndebele culture
By Nizbert Moyo Sep. 11, 2024

Zim targets 60 000MT of fish exports by 2026

Zimbabwe Fisheries Association chairperson Garikai Munatsirei acknowledged the sector’s progress, but highlighted some challenges.
By Obert Siamilandu Sep. 4, 2024

CCC MP accused of raping minor

According to reports, Chidziva was taken to Budiriro police station where the minor was reported missing last week.
By Staff Reporter Aug. 30, 2024

TPC claims rap throne in new track

 In the track, the artist boldly positions himself as the genre's ultimate champion, asserting his dominance over the current crop of rappers.
By Style Reporter Aug. 18, 2024

Jails are not only for the opposition: Zanu PF

In an interview yesterday, Marapira said those arrested had committed various crimes, adding that their detention was not along partisan lines.
By Kenneth Nyangani Aug. 14, 2024

Zim embraces RDT tests to combat cholera

RDTs is part of a global initiative led by United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), which aims to distribute more than 1,2 million tests across 15 high-risk countries.
By Staff Reporter Aug. 7, 2024