Artisinal miners to blame for falling gold deliveries

Gold is Zimbabwe's top export, followed by platinum and tobacco, mining in general accounts for more than 75% of the country's exports.
By Julia Ndlela Jun. 14, 2024

Interview: Creating access to African citizens to invest in precious metals

We have built an all-encompassing ecosystem that takes care of regulations, dealing, safeguarding, liquidity, logistics, and customer service.
By Vince Musewe Mar. 9, 2024

Francophone Week returns with marathon of activities

In Zimbabwe, festivities will take place across the Alliance Francaise network in Harare, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls and will showcase a series of cultural and educational events.
By Khumbulani Muleya Mar. 8, 2024

The utility of neutrality

Enough of those nuclear missiles and bombers would be intercepted over Canada to destroy the country even if it weren’t targeted directly, so membership in Nato wouldn’t save it.
By Gwynne Dyer Mar. 1, 2024

Ziyambi repeats anti-sanctions call

Ziyambi said sanctions, imposed in 2001 by the United States over human rights abuses, must be unconditionally lifted.
By Harriet Chikandiwa Feb. 29, 2024

Switzerland helps to bring about climate-resilient agriculture in Zim

The project is part of the €40 million Zimbabwe Agriculture Growth Programme, launched by the European Union in 2016 to support the country’s livestock sector.
By Swissinfor Feb. 5, 2024

HealthTalk: Zim has potential to deliver quality health

Our public health institutions have been despised by many as they fail to stand to the expectations of the patients.
By Dr Johannes Marisa Mar. 12, 2023

Driver ‘seriously injured’ after being run over three times by own car

The woman had attempted in vain to stop the vehicle, before falling to the ground and was run over a first time.
By The Guardian Nov. 5, 2022

Mthuli dives into Zanu PF politics headlong

ZANU PF has sent the greatest hint that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is ready to hit the ground running.
By Paidamoyo Muzulu Oct. 15, 2022