Combating corruption in Zim through a gender, youth lens

The country has long struggled with the corrosive effects of bribery, embezzlement, and abuse of power, undermining its social, economic, and political fabric.
By Grace Chirenje Jun. 28, 2024

Poor remuneration for tax collectors fuels corruption, tax revenue loss

The claims, if they are true, are a major threat to tax revenue and this calls for the nation to spare a thought for these vital cogs in the country’s economic development agenda.
By Canisio Mudzimu May. 26, 2024

Zacc arrests 235 public officials for land deals

TIZ executive director Tafadzwa Chikumbu said they received many cases of human rights violations linked to land invasions.
By Sharon Buwerimwe May. 23, 2024

Towards combating corruption: A call for change in Zim polity

The public sector encompasses government institutions, its decentralised units, and various other entities responsible for delivering public programmes, goods, or services.
By Samson Ntambalika Feb. 9, 2024

Fighting corruption is dangerous, but necessary exercise

Anti-corruption agencies should pursue their anti-corruption agenda without fear or favour.
By Sandra Matendere Feb. 4, 2024

Feature: South Africa scores below ‘flawed democracies’ in corruption index

Those abusing power escape accountability and the widespread harm to victims goes unremedied.
By Mail & Guardian. Feb. 2, 2024

The role of civil society in international asset recovery

Government-CSO relations need to improve vastly so that the rewards of collaboration on asset recovery can be reaped optimally.

Monitor all mega infrastructure deals: TI-Z

Tshabangu said the country had experienced incidents of poorly-designed projects, with large cost overruns and long delays in construction.
By Harriet Chikandiwa May. 26, 2023

The cost of poor leadership

Poor leaders use force to make people submit. Great leaders empower, and poor leaders disempower others.
By Jonah Nyoni Apr. 15, 2023