‘Calibre of board can make or break firms’

I came from the commercial/private sector before going to run a state enterprise.
By In Conversation With Trevor Jun. 30, 2024

Munyawarara inspired to help the less privileged

To say we will empower people at the same time by providing this access to finance, this is how the idea came about.
By Trevor Ncube Jun. 2, 2024

Business tycoon hails US$1,5bn steel project

Last Thursday's Africa Day presentation ran under In Conversation with Trevor banner, an online television show presented by media mogul Trevor Ncube.
By Shame Makoshori May. 31, 2024

Business must support political agenda: Mutasa

Mutasa said the challenge was that despite not being colonised, African mindsets were still colonised which would keep both the country and continent from progressing if not changed.
By Business Reporter May. 28, 2024

Why Zim farmers must shift to small grains

And then after a couple of years they asked me to move back to the headquarters, I said, you know what, no, thanks, I'm staying here. I'll find something to do here.
By In Conversation With Trevor May. 26, 2024

Our mindset must change, says Mutasa

Mugabe, who ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist for nearly 40 years, was toppled by the military in 2017 and was succeeded by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
By Brent Shamu and Blessed Mhlanga May. 26, 2024

Africa must own its problems: Mutasa

Mutasa said if Africa did not think at scale, it would not amount to anything at a time when its participation in the global economy is low at 2%.
By Tatira Zwinoira May. 25, 2024

Kuvimba Mining House scouts for platinum investment partner

Afromet Joint Stock Company is wholly owned by Russia’s investment and industrial group Vi Holding.
By Online Reporter May. 23, 2024

In Conversation with Trevor dinner on tonight

Apart from renditions of African musicians, the platform will also include discussions on topical issues on the opportunities and challenges modern Africa is facing.
By Brent Shamu May. 23, 2024