Kelisha Pandaram — An advocate for educational equity and youth empowerment

She explained that her greatest worry include the severe lack of access to digital tools and high-quality educational resources in many under-resourced schools.
By Fungayi Antony Sox Sep. 29, 2024

Byo promotes growth of contemporary art

Visual Arts Indaba independent curator and convener Clifford Zulu said the one-day event would give special attention to contemporary artists and integration of modern artistic practices in Bulawayo.
By Margaret Lubinda Sep. 27, 2024

Premier set to restart operations at Zulu

While this has reduced current expenditure, Roach said the company would need further funding and in particular to recommence production later this month.
By Melody Chikono Sep. 16, 2024

Hub Unconference to Level Up digital landscape

The Hub Unconference is part of the larger Shoko Festival, an annual celebration of urban culture organised by Magamba Network.
By Julia Ndlela Aug. 19, 2024

Withdraw from Gukurahundi hearings, MRP tells chiefs

Ibhetshu likaZulu secretary-general Mbuso Fuzwayo said it was sad that the alleged perpetrators had chosen to micromanage the process.
By Silas Nkala Aug. 5, 2024

Apostolic sects embrace HIV and Aids programmes

National Aids Council’s provincial manager Edgar Muzulu reminded the community that HIV was still in existence and urged them to prevent new HIV infections.
By Style Reporter Jul. 4, 2024

Premier spends US$75m on lithium plant

The company said it was only possible to optimise the flotation circuits when Zulu was able to feed the plant at design capacity.
By Mthandazo Nyoni Jun. 20, 2024

Activists in bizarre semi-nude demo

In an interview with NewsDay Weekender, Plaatjies said their move is “a protest walk” against the colonial system that is still oppressing the indigenous people.
By William Vundla and Daniel Moyo Jun. 15, 2024

Applying ubuntu template in climate change

Applying the ubuntu philosophy could be a gamechanger in achieving net zero emission, building adaption strategies and resilient communities.
By Cliff Chiduku Jun. 15, 2024