Zim companies throw caution as headwinds deliver blows

The Zimbabwean economy has faced numerous headwinds, including currency reform induced-uncertainty, power shortages, inflation, and geopolitical tensions.
By Mthandazo Nyoni Oct. 4, 2024

Dairibord to commercialise SA project

Regarding costs, Ndoro noted that commercialising the project would require minimal investment.
By Tafadzwa Mhlanga Oct. 4, 2024

Zim’s sustainability development: A call to action

Experts, local and international organisations have been pushing for the adoption of ESG practices in Zimbabwe as it would allow the country to attract more foreign direct investment.
By Blessed Ndlovu Oct. 4, 2024

No to forced de-dollarisation: Retailers

United Kingdom-based economist Chenayimoyo Mutambasere said government had to do more to build trust in the local currency.
By Tafadzwa Mhlanga Oct. 2, 2024

RTG anticipates strong H2

The projected increase in revenue will build on the 116% increase in revenue the group had in the half year ended June 30, 2024 of US$18,03 million from the comparable period last year.
By Tatira Zwinoira Oct. 2, 2024

ICZ finance manager up for US$371k theft

It is State’s case that sometime between January 2022 to May 31 this year , Tutai allegedly withdrew US$371 610 from the council’s Stanbic  bank account and converted it to own use.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Oct. 1, 2024

Ndiraya banks on experienced players

“The point we got [against Ngezi Platinum Stars] was very important. It will help us going forward,” Ndiraya said.
By Henry Mhara Oct. 1, 2024

Digital revolution eases life in rural areas

ICT expert,  Tonderai Chaza, emphasised the need for more investment.
By Problem Masau Sep. 30, 2024

Fungisai joins fight against drug abuse

A 2019 study by the Zimbabwe National Drug Abuse Council found that a staggering one in five young people between the ages of 15 and 24 had used drugs at least once.
By Sindiso Dube Sep. 29, 2024