Muckraker: Nepotism, cronyism our daily bread

They move around with bricks of mint United States dollars and shower them on supporters, the last stunt being giving Agriculture minister Anxious Masuka US$500 to buy a suit.
By Muckraker Jun. 7, 2024

9 000 metric tonnes of grain at GMB condemned

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appealed for US$3 billon in food aid after declaring the drought a state of national disaster.
By Patricia Sibanda Jun. 7, 2024

Zim begins food aid distribution

Masuka was, however, put under pressure to elaborate on government’s insistence that Zimbabwe has enough grains to cover the entire population.
By Priviledge Gumbodete May. 29, 2024

Mnangagwa caught between words and wallet

Masuka was wearing some khakhi farming clothes at the function.
By Evans Mathanda May. 28, 2024

Crisis as half of Zim needs food aid

Masuka said the food insecure will get physical maize, wheat or traditional grains depending on circumstances such as if that area requires traditional grains or wheat.
By Priviledge Gumbodete May. 15, 2024

Zim’s wheat farmers struggle to get payments

According to statistics, last season Zimbabwe had a bumper harvest of 2.3 million tonnes of maize against the yearly requirement of about 1.8 million tonnes.
By Own Correspondent May. 5, 2024

Govt targets US$14 billion agric sector

Agriculture is the backbone of the economy, it accounts for 12% of the gross domestic product.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Apr. 29, 2024

Let’s walk the talk on grain reserves

Talk is cheap and an embarrassment when the number of people joining food handout queues keeps rising in a so-called agro-based economy.
By Newsday Apr. 23, 2024

Govt sets target for winter wheat cropping

Lands, Water, Agriculture and Rural Development minister Anxious Masuka revealed this in the National Assembly while responding to questions from legislators.
By Harriet Chikandiwa Mar. 30, 2024