Let us professionalise senior civil servants

Furthermore, inefficient public entities (including parastatals) under unprofessional civil servants do not bode well for economic growth.
By Kevin Tutani Jul. 5, 2024

ED buckles under pressure. . . announces that Zanu PF will choose new leader

Mnangagwa yesterday finally broke his silence, announcing that he would not seek a third term in office as Zanu PF factional fights threatened to set the ruling party ablaze.
By Sydney Kawadza Jul. 5, 2024

3 CCC protesters seek bail

The 79 CCC activists were arrested early this month at Timba’s residence in Avondale, Harare.
By Rejoice Phiri Jul. 3, 2024

We’re waiting for you, Kazembe tells protesters

Kazembe said they would deal with those bent on causing chaos in the country.
By Kenneth Nyangani Jul. 2, 2024

Govt ups ante against dissent, ‘bans’ gatherings

CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi appealed for Sadc’s intervention on the alleged curtailment of human rights in the country.
By Mirriam Mangwaya Jul. 1, 2024

Zimbabwe’s political crisis has dragged for too long

Even though it's not election season, opposition political parties have witnessed an increase in repression and discriminatory treatment by state agents.
By Evans Mathanda Jun. 30, 2024

‘Graft threatening US$40m project’… as Chinese investor threatens to dump coking coal project

HCGC dismissed the provisional order as fake saying it was never cited in any court processes.
By Sydney Kawadza Jun. 29, 2024

Police, CCC supporters clash at court

The court heard that the police called for back-up after noticing that the activists were behaving in a riotous manner.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Jun. 28, 2024

Move Sadc summit from Zimbabwe: Activists

He also refused to acknowledge Mnangagwa as the country’s legitimate leader.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Jun. 27, 2024