National Service in Zim: Path to tackling youth unemployment

The country's young population, brimming with potential, often finds itself without adequate opportunities for employment or meaningful engagement.
By Isheanesu Mavengere Jun. 28, 2024

Mining workers get US$3,55 salary increment

From the US$369,20, however, Nec added US$3,55 to the minimum wage, taking it to US$372,75 for the July to December period.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 25, 2024

Mining unions petition Labour ministry

Masarire Law Chambers, expressed concerns over the manner in which the selection of the union into NEC was done.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 19, 2024

Converting harvests into commodities and products that last longer

Unlike mass markets that try to come up with fair pricing systems based on demand and supply, prices announced by government are often not informed by demand and supply.
By Charles Dhewa Apr. 17, 2024

Unemployment affecting SDGs implementation

Participants assessed how far Zimbabwe had gone in attaining the targets set in government’s Vision 2030.
By Daniel Moyo Apr. 10, 2024

Work-based learning for people with disabilities

The experience enables students with disabilities to develop confidence and self-advocacy skills required in education and career development.
By Deborah Tigere Mar. 28, 2024

Corporate failures, implications on tax collection by the govt

Corporate failures can have far-reaching consequences for economies, societies, and governments, impacting employment, investor confidence, and public finances.
By Gloria Ndoro-mkombachoto Mar. 28, 2024

Media sector needs bailing out

Matewu said the anticipated reforms to the Broadcasting Services Act should be expedited to allow for foreign direct investment into the sector.
By Staff Reporter Mar. 20, 2024

Perspectives: A time to support women in the informal economy

Everyone in our different spheres of influence need to stand in solidarity with women as they strive for a future where all women are empowered, respected, and can reach their full potential.
By Samuel Wadzai Mar. 17, 2024