Zanu PF MP in food aid storm

The sources said Dumbarimwe allegedly claimed that he was using personal resources to deliver grain to the villagers in Manicaland province.
By Staff Reporter Jun. 13, 2024

Zim to double grain reserves

According to the report, progress was made in reducing “household-induced drought”, a phenomenon where households still prefer maize in agro-ecological regions 4 and 5.
By Gamuchirai Nyamuziwa Apr. 22, 2024

Converting harvests into commodities and products that last longer

Unlike mass markets that try to come up with fair pricing systems based on demand and supply, prices announced by government are often not informed by demand and supply.
By Charles Dhewa Apr. 17, 2024

GMB owes wheat farmers US$35m

GMB chief executive officer Edson Badarai told the Zimbabwe Independent that the parastatal was working on modalities to pay the farmers.
By Gamuchirai Nyamuziwa Apr. 12, 2024

Zim seeks US$2b to avert famine

The deficit, Mnangagwa said, would be bridged by imports, adding that the government had put in place measures to encourage private sector participation.
By Desmond Chingarande Apr. 4, 2024

Zim embraces GMO maize imports

Taking into account maize, traditional grains, and wheat, the strategic grain reserve amounts to 434 293 tonnes, excluding the 25 000-tonne donation from Russia to the President.
By Equity Axis Mar. 28, 2024

A last-ditch bid to build grain reserves

In a statement on Monday,  Information minister Jenfan Muswere announced a US$390 per tonne price in a "special initiative" to mop up excess grain stocks in the country.
By Newsday Mar. 28, 2024

A case for our farmers

Most curious about this latest salvo from the farmers is that it comes hardly days after President Emmerson Mnangagwa “knighted” the Agriculture minister
By Newsday Mar. 20, 2024

A bleak outlook

The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) said this week that it anticipates importing one million tonnes of grain between now and March 2025 to prevent drought-induced hunger.
By Newsday Mar. 2, 2024