Why Texas is uniquely equipped for rapid growth in utility-scale battery storage

A range of factors has pushed Texas to the forefront of this critical sector, including: 
By Parker Hills Jun. 16, 2024

Using IT to rehabilitate Zim’s prisoners

Traditionally, rehabilitation efforts in Zimbabwe's prisons have focused on vocational training, counseling, and basic education programs.
By Jacob Mutisi Jun. 14, 2024

SADC PF calls for child-friendly policies to keep children in school

She reiterated the need for national parliaments to provide oversight on the implementation of Article 11 of the African Children’s Charter relating to the human right to education.
By Moses Magadza Jun. 12, 2024

African Sun sets aside US$11m in capex for 2024

This comes as African Sun is anticipating positive yields on the growing demand for meetings, incentives, conferencing and events business as well as several high-profile events.
By Tatira Zwinoira Jun. 12, 2024

The transformative potential of satellite, AI technologies in the African context

This includes basic computer skills, online safety awareness, ethical considerations and critical thinking for evaluating information online.
By Tororiro Isaac Chaza Jun. 7, 2024

Govt targets US$ from flights using Zim airspace

The Transport and Infrastructural Development ministry has officially implemented new regulations stipulating fees through Statutory Instrument 98 of 2024 starting from June 1.
By Problem Masau Jun. 4, 2024

Role of collaborations in Zim’s ICT education

It has implemented the ICT Policy and established the Zimbabwe Digital Economy and the Financial Inclusion Strategy.
By Jacob Mutisi May. 31, 2024

Journalists call for alignment of laws

Majoni described the government’s ongoing media law reform agenda as cosmetic.
By Pamenus Tuso May. 5, 2024

Digital accessibility, intersectionality

It can enable early change, evaluation and attention that can increase efficiency and productivity in the field.
By Lovemore Nyawo May. 3, 2024