The currency merry-go-round continues

If the authorities think that controlling money supply growth alone can do the trick, then they do not understand how economics works.
By Newsday Jun. 28, 2024

Mwanza: I have to put my foot down

That’s where I then started having a need to grow and  be better because I had reached my peak although I had started from a lower level
By In Conversation With Trevor Jun. 9, 2024

Econet’s free remittance service get thumbs up

Last year alone, Zimbabwe received over US$1.873 billion in diaspora remittances, up 16% from US$1.617 billion received in 2022.
By Donald Nyandoro May. 29, 2024

Thriving banking sector, shrinking confidence

Reports from most people, as well official data, indicate receding deposits and increased withdrawals as economic players prefer “under the pillow” banking to traditional banking.
By Tinashe Duma May. 17, 2024

Govt ‘regrets’ tax hike

Mnangagwa said the IMTT hike was a social and economic experiment to see how people and businesses would react upon which it would be reviewed.
By Priviledge Gumbodete May. 10, 2024

The language of success

When we greet people, their most obvious response is “I am fine!” Stop and think. What does that really mean? Most people settle in that zone called fine. It is generally good.
By Jonah Nyoni May. 4, 2024

Econet in a remittance first for Zimbabwe

Econet has partnered with its sister company, Sasai Money Transfer
By Donald Nyandoro May. 1, 2024

Robbers pounce on Bulawayo money changers

Bulawayo has had three robbery attacks this week, with no arrests made to date.
By Nizbert Moyo Apr. 4, 2024

Protect your money, secure your future

Almost anyone can open a bank cccount and complete a transaction in the comfort of their own homes.
By Clive Newengo Mar. 24, 2024