Letter to my people: Uneasy lies the head that wears crown

As I write this missive someone is busy scheming how to outdo Chimombe and Mpofu in looting the scheme. 
By Doctor Stop It Jun. 30, 2024

Chiredzi town secretary in trouble over fraud charges

The prosecution alleged that in 2013, Chiredzi Town Council offered the accused person a commercial stand measuring 2 195 square metres in the new central business district.
By Abigail Ncube Jun. 29, 2024

Candid Comment: No room for muscle flexing, arrogance

Those entrusted with managing strategic institutions like Zec must always remember that any actions that undermine its financial position push us far behind our ambitions.
By Shame Makoshori Jun. 28, 2024

New twist as Blackdeck disowns Chimombe

Zacc this week said it wanted to interview Chivayo, Chimombe and Mpofu for suspected money laundering.
By Sydney Kawadza Jun. 26, 2024

Letter to my people: Goats will be used to shield the son from justice

Could this be the real reason for the sudden interest by the usually toothless Zacc to investigate this garrulous ex-convict?  
By Doctor Stop It Jun. 23, 2024

MPs demand answers over US$88m goat scandal

A Zacc internal report revealed that the pair spent the millions on a bling lifestyle buying expensive top of the range vehicles and luxurious houses.
By Kenneth Nyangani Jun. 23, 2024

Village Rhapsody: Zacc’s failure is a betrayal of Zimbabweans’ trust

Chivayo has not only evaded justice, but has even managed to expand his business empire, securing new lucrative deals with the government.
By Gary Gerald Mtombeni Jun. 23, 2024

From one sacred cow to another

He struggled to stand finished the remainder of the lecture while seated.
By Muckracker Jun. 21, 2024

‘Probe Mudenda, Tshabangu over corrupt recalls’

Speaking to Southern Eye on Wednesday this week, Sibanda described Tshabangu as an impostor who should be investigated by Zacc for alleged abuse of office and improper symbiotic relationship.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 21, 2024