Zec-gate: Poll body faces probe

Chimombe is a Zanu PF central committee member and president of Economic Empowerment Group that is  aligned to the ruling party.
By Harriet Chikandiwa Jul. 2, 2024

Editorial Comment: Silence on Zec tenders scandal deafening

Zec must be forced to account for the money that it was given by treasury for procurement of materials for last year’s elections.
By The Standard Jun. 30, 2024

IMF Zimbabwe’s corruption scourge

The IMF staff team led by Wojciech Maliszewski conducted a second mission to Harare during June 18 to 27, to conclude the 2024 Article IV Consultation.
By Mthandazo Nyoni Jun. 30, 2024

Deep Cartels (Part 5): Zec gate is too hot

Zecgate is another real-life story where the small cow and the eland feature as the supporting cast.
By Tawanda Majoni Jun. 30, 2024

Candid Comment: No room for muscle flexing, arrogance

Those entrusted with managing strategic institutions like Zec must always remember that any actions that undermine its financial position push us far behind our ambitions.
By Shame Makoshori Jun. 28, 2024

Unpacking Zec’s web of corruption rumours

In response to the public outcry and growing scepticism, Zec has released a statement vehemently denying any wrongdoing.
By Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo Jun. 25, 2024

EditorialComment: Don’t cover up Chivayo scandal

In its response where it denied any relationship with the trio, Zec left us with more questions than answers.
By The Standard Jun. 23, 2024

Stop the ‘Munich’ analogies

Or consider the war in Ukraine, now more than two years old.
By Gwynne Dyer Jun. 21, 2024

Collaboration, knowledge sharing key to strengthening Zimbabwe's democracy - ZEC deputy chair

The 10-day event held in Harare brought together a diverse group of stakeholders including Chapter 12 institutions such as ZEC, and other civil society organisations.
By Kennedy Nyavaya Jun. 21, 2024