Zimbos fret over army hand in politics

Serving and retired military officers have been deployed to sit on the boards of parastatals in what critics say is militarisation of State institutions.
By Chantay Ruswa Sep. 26, 2024

CSOs red flag govt for human rights abuse

The world celebrated the International Day of Peace last weekend running under the theme, Cultivating a Culture of Peace.
By Priveledge Gumbodete Sep. 23, 2024

‘ZiG was imposed on Zimbos’

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has on several occasions been accused of abusing Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act to dodge consulting the Legislature.
By Tapiwa Zivira May. 10, 2024

Broken Calabash: A microcosm of elections in Zimbabwe

This traditional vessel (Calabash), once whole, symbolizes unity and community.
By Phillip Nyasha Fungurai Apr. 3, 2024

Zim’s elections now a source of fear

TN: It is a pleasure having you here. Tell me, am I right in assuming that now that the elections are over ZimRights can relax?
By In Conversation With Trevor Mar. 31, 2024

Zim in desperate need of truth, healing

The human rights watchdog said if these past atrocities were not addressed, they would continue to influence the present.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Mar. 26, 2024

What have you done for Zimbabwe lately?

Zimbabwe is sliding into a failed State, according to ZimRights.
By Trevor Ncube Mar. 7, 2024

Whither party manifesto in the face of recalls

The manifesto was presented to all the political parties who signed the commitment card in agreement with the 10 key asks presented by the citizens.
By Gillian Chinzete Mar. 4, 2024

Rights group urges probe into Rusape school fiasco

The group urged St Faith’s High School authorities to review their grievance handling processes to accord students an opportunity for redress of any complaints that may arise.
By Harriet Chikandiwa Feb. 20, 2024