Zimbos fret over army hand in politics

Serving and retired military officers have been deployed to sit on the boards of parastatals in what critics say is militarisation of State institutions.
By Chantay Ruswa Sep. 26, 2024

CSOs red flag govt for human rights abuse

The world celebrated the International Day of Peace last weekend running under the theme, Cultivating a Culture of Peace.
By Priveledge Gumbodete Sep. 23, 2024

Council exposed over landfill lies

The report also indicated that the Masvingo city council violated the right to administrative justice as provided in the constitution of Zimbabwe.
By Melinda Kusemachibi Aug. 25, 2024

Respect people’s rights: ZHRC

The ZHRC, in a statement, said the enforcement of any laws must be done with due regard to human rights and freedoms.
By Rejoice Phiri Aug. 12, 2024

CSOs speak against crackdown

Police in June pounced on opposition Citizens Coalition for Change party supporters who were holding a meeting at top party member Jameson Timba’s house in Avondale, Harare.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Aug. 5, 2024

Fresh alarm raised over attempts to constrict NGOs

Lawfare refers to the strategic weaponisation of the law, often by the government, to silence dissent and choke opposition.
By Tinashe Kairiza Jul. 26, 2024

‘ZiG was imposed on Zimbos’

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has on several occasions been accused of abusing Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act to dodge consulting the Legislature.
By Tapiwa Zivira May. 10, 2024

Uphold media freedom, govt urged

Young Journalists Association (YOJA) said the state of media freedom remains a matter of grave concern.
By Sharon Buwerimwe May. 4, 2024

Chibaya, 25 CCC activists trial continues

The group was being represented by lawyers from the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum  — Wilbert Mandinde, Kudzai Kadzere and Chris Mhike.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Apr. 9, 2024